s Wireless Modem
TECHNICAL: 0118 931 2233
Figure 3-14. Site Survey Graph
The minimum measurable RSSI of the system is approximately -103 dBm. An RSSI level
higher than -103 indicates interference. The difference between the level of interference to -
103 dBm affects the sensitivity in that frequency. In the above graph, the channel with the
most interferences (channel 46) has the maximum RSSI level of -94 dBm, while the minimal
RSSI level of the system is -103 dBm. The difference is 9 dB. Therefore the sensitivity of the
device in that frequency decreases by approximately 9 dB. To enter the Site Survey Mode,
select 2 in the Mode and Access Control Menu and reset the unit. The system start collecting
information on received interference levels in applicable channels and displays the histogram.
To exit the Site Survey Mode, select 3 in the Mode and Access Control Menu and reset the
Note: The main menu header indicates whether you are in Site Survey Mode or in
Normal Mode.
System Reset Menu
You should reset the system after making any set-up changes.
⇒ To access the System Reset
• In the Main menu, at the Select Option prompt, type 4. The System Reset menu appears.
• Select 0 if you do not want to reset the system yet.
• Select 1 to reset the system.
Note: Reset the system if you made any changes in the local and/or remote unit parameters.
Verify the proper setting for re-establishing the link after thenew parameters take effect.