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Clicking on this button places the printer in “Cleaning Mode”. Refer to that
maintenance procedure in this manual for further instructions.
Factory Reset:
Clicking on this button will return the printer to its original factory settings for
fonts and confi guration. The confi guration data from the fi le “PJ3Factory.cfg” or
“PJ3PlusFactory.cfg” on the same directory as exe fi le.
will be loaded and displayed. Since that fi le is expected to match the internal factory
confi guration of your printer, this fi le’s properties are set to “Read Only” and it
should not be modifi ed.
Save Confi g:
Clicking on this button will save the confi guration as you see it to the fi le “PJ3Default.
cfg” or “PJ3PlusDefault.cfg” on the same directory as exe fi le.
and then send this confi guration information to the printer. Be sure that all of the
settings are adjusted to your liking. Once sent to the printer, these settings will
become the power-on default settings.
This selection closes this application without sending data to the printer and without
saving the current settings.