Cabletron Systems Ethernet Hubs Switch User Manual

9030367 E7 Device Views
MMAC Device Panel
MMAC Device Panel
The top portion of a MiniMMAC hub Device View displays an MMAC Device
Panel. The IRBM, IRM, IRM2, and IRM3 Device Views also display the Device
Panel when accessed by selecting the Physical Device View from the Icon
Subviews Menu. The MMAC Device Panel appears in the Device View in both
the logical and physical MIM representations. The MMAC Device Panel
displays the following information about the hub:
The user-defined or default model name for the hub.
The location of the device as entered in the Creation dialog box when the
model was created. If no location has been specified, this field displays the
model name of the SPECTRUM location view containing the device.
Net Address
The IP address of the hub.
Device Type
The SPECTRUM model type name of the hub.
System UpTime
The time the hub has been active without failure. The time is displayed in the
following format: days+hours:minutes:seconds
The colored rectangle that appears around these fields displays the device
contact status. For a list of device contact status colors, refer to Table 3-2.
The MMAC Device Panel also provides a Logical Gauges button and a
Gauge Mode button. These buttons allow you to change the type of statistical
information presented in the Logical MIM horizontal bar gauges. The Logical
MIM bar gauges appear under the name of the module (e.g., IRM2) and under
each module port. The following sections describe how these buttons work.
The Logical Gauges button lets you change the statistics represented in the
horizontal gauges for the entire MMAC. The horizontal gauges can display a
given statistic as either a percentage or a rate, depending on the setting of the
Gauge Mode button. When you single-click on the Logical Gauges button, a
menu appears. Table 2-1 provides a list of the Logical Gauge menu options.
The Gauge Mode button allows you to change the gauge representation of the
selected statistic. Table 2-2 provides a list of the Gauge Mode menu options.
Logical Gauges
Gauge Mode