Campbell Hausfeld SDM-SIO4 Network Card User Manual

SDM-SIO4 User Guide
Break reset:
0 Do nothing
1 Reset line break count to zero
Framing reset:
0 Do nothing
1 Reset framing error count to zero
Overrun reset:
0 Do nothing
1 Reset overrun error count to zero
Parity reset:
0 Do nothing
1 Reset parity error count to zero
5.2.18 Command 1027: ‘Manual’ Handshake Mode
In this mode, the datalogger can set DTR, RTS and XON/XOFF as required.
Not used - set to zero.
| | RTS
| | | DTR
| | | |
x x x x
0 Leave as set previously
1 XOFF data (stop data transmission from SDM-SIO4)
2 XON data (restart data transmission from SDM-SIO4)
0 Leave as set previously
1 Clear RTS to low
2 Set RTS to high
0 Leave as set previously
1 Clear DTR to low
2Set DTR to high
Values per repetition = 0
A 2ms delay is required after this command before the next
SDM-SIO4 command is started.
5.2.19 Command 2049: Set Communications Parameters
This command sets the baud rate, data length, stop bits, parity and handshake
mode as follows (please refer to Appendix B for a more detailed explanation):
Values per repetition = 0