Campbell Hausfeld SDM-SIO4 Network Card User Manual

Section 5. Programming the Datalogger
First Command Option (Parameter 5)
Handshake mode
| Stop bits + parity
| | Data length
| | | Baud rate
| | | |
x x x x
Handshake Mode:
0 Leave as set previously
1 DTR always set, set RTS when data is available to transmit, only transmit
if CTS is set
2 DTR always set, RTS always set, only transmit if CTS is set
3 DTR and RTS always set, ignore CTS
4 XON/XOFF data flow control
9 No automatic handshake (leaves lines in previous state)
Stop Bits and Parity:
0 Leave as set previously.
1 1 stop bit no parity.
2 1 stop bit even parity.
3 1 stop bit odd parity.
4 1.5/2 stop bits no parity.
5 1.5/2 stop bits even parity.
6 1.5/2 stop bits odd parity.
Data Length:
0 Leave as set previously
1 5 data bits
2 6 data bits
3 7 data bits
4 8 data bits
Baud Rate:
0 Leave as set previously
1 300 baud
2 600 baud
3 1200 baud
4 2400 baud
5 4800 baud
6 9600 baud
7 19200 baud
8 32400 baud
9 76800 baud
Second Command Option (Parameter 6)
This option is used to set the handshaking delay in units of 50ms. The accuracy is
-50ms, +0ms. The range is 0-254, with 255 reserved for XON /XOFF mode.
XOFF will force the SDM-SIO4 to wait indefinitely for an XON.
When the SDM-SIO4 is reset from the ‘command line’, the ports
are set to 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity and no
handshake as the default.
A 1ms delay is required after Command 2049 before the next SDM-SIO4
command is initiated.