Cisco Systems 15.3.00P1 Network Router User Manual

Release Notes for the Cisco WAN Manager, Release 15.3.00 P1
OL-11190-01, Rev. C0
Installing and Uninstalling CWM 15.3.00 P1
Before You Start
This section provides important background information that is provided to help you install the
patch successfully.
Naming Managed Nodes
The name of each node that the CWM manages must be unique. Duplicate node names are detected
if both node names are found in the PNNI networks. Duplicate node names are not detected if one
node is in the AutoRoute network and the other node is in the PNNI network.
Core File Management
In the past, core files were created without unique names and then overwritten. Now, for each core
dump, a unique directory is created under ~svplus/corefilesdir/. Each directory is named as
follows: <Core.<processName>.<pid>.mmddHrMinSec. These directories have these contents:
Core file named <processName>.<pid>.mmddHrMinSec.core
Information file with dmesg, onstat -d, pstack, and other details
named “<processName>.<pid>”
Corresponding log file(s) named “<processName>.<pid>.log”
Cisco Info Center Version
The CWM integrates with the Cisco Info Center (CIC) by including a tar file that can be installed
using the CIC update utility (nco_update):
The format of this tar file enables the update utility on the CWMAgent CD-ROM to process the file.
The CWM 15.3.00-P1_SNMPAgent.tar.gz file that contains the CIC36xPatch004CWM151.tar file
includes rule files that are compatible only with CIC 3.6.1 so you must install CIC 3.6 or 3.6.1 to
use this file.
For more information on CIC, refer to this URL:
C-Note/CWM Configuration
The CWM supports C-Note version 3. Before the Orbix cmldomain services for C-Note are started,
the CWM core must be started and core processes should be running. Enter this command to add the
IP address of the C-Note workstation to the /opt/ssng/config/CMLLogin/SnmpPublisher.xml file:
vi /opt/ssng/config/CMLLogin/SnmpPublisher.xml
The line you add should look like this, substituting your C-Note workstation IP address:
Numbering for Release 9.4 IGX Feeder Nodes
When an IGX is added as a feeder to a SES-BPX or MGX node, it has a default node number that
may not be unique within the network. If it is not unique, it needs to be modified to a unique node
number by issuing the rnmnd <x> command, where x is unique with regard to all other
auto-route nodes.
To find the other node numbers, use the dspnds +n command. If you fail to do this, the
CWM Databroker may have an incorrectly formed hybrid connection database, and the CWM GUI
may show the connection as incomplete.