Router Advertisement (IPv6)
54 Cisco RV320/RV325 Administration Guide
To change the TCP/IP connection settings, for example, on a PC running Windows,
go to the Local Area Connection Properties > Internet Protocol > TCP/IP
Properties window. Choose Use the following DNS server address, and enter
the LAN IP address of the router as the Preferred DNS Server. For more
information, refer to the documentation for the client that you are configuring.
Add, Edit, or Delete Local DNS Entries
To add a new entry, click Add and enter the following information:
• Host Name—Enter the domain name, such as example.com or
example.org. If you do not include the final level of the domain name,
Microsoft Windows® will automatically append your entry with .com.
• IP Address—Enter the IP address of the resource.
To Edit the settings, select an entry in the list. The information appears in the text
fields. Make the changes, and click Save.
To Delete an entry from the list, select the entry to delete, and click Delete. To
select a block of entries, click the first entry, hold down the Shift key, and click the
final entry in the block. To select individual entries, press the Ctrl key while
clicking each entry. To de-select an entry, press the Ctrl key while clicking the
Router Advertisement (IPv6)
The RADVD (Router Advertisement Daemon) is used for IPv6 auto-configuration
and routing. When enabled, messages are sent by the router periodically and in
response to solicitations. A host uses the information to learn the prefixes and
parameters for the local network. Disabling this feature effectively disables auto-
configuration, requiring manual configuration of the IPv6 address, subnet prefix,
and default gateway on each device.
This page is available if you enabled Dual-Stack IP on the Setup Network page. If
you did not do so, a message appears when you try to open this page.
To open this page, select DHCP > Router Advertisement in the navigation tree.
To Enable Router Advertisement, check the box and complete the other fields:
• Advertise Mode—Choose one of the following options:
- Unsolicited Multicast—Send Router Advertisement messages to all
interfaces in the multicast group. This option is the default setting. Also