Citrix Systems 9.2 Network Router User Manual

Appendix E Migration of Apache mod_rewrite Rules to Advanced Policies 265
Redirecting to a New File Name (Invisible to the User)
If you rename a Web page, you can continue to support the old URL for backward
compatibility while preventing users from recognizing that the page was
In the first two of the following examples, the base directory is /~quux/. The third
example accommodates any base directory and the presence of query strings in
the URL.
Apache mod_rewrite solution for managing a file name change in a fixed
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /~quux/
RewriteRule ^foo\.html$ bar.html
NetScaler solution for managing a file name change in a fixed location
add rewrite action act1 replace 'HTTP.REQ.URL.AFTER_STR("/
~quux").SUBSTR("foo.html")' '"bar.html"'
add rewrite policy pol1 'HTTP.REQ.URL.ENDSWITH("/~quux/foo.html")'
bind rewrite global pol1 100
NetScaler solution for managing a file name change regardless of the base
directory or query strings in the URL
add rewrite action act1 replace 'HTTP.REQ.URL.PATH.SUFFIX(\'/\',0)'
Add rewrite policy pol1 'HTTP.REQ.URL.PATH.CONTAINS("foo.html")'
Bind rewrite global pol1 100
Redirecting to New File Name (User-Visible URL)
If you rename a Web page, you may want to continue to support the old URL for
backward compatibility and allow users to see that the page was renamed by
changing the URL that is displayed in the browser.
In the first two of the following examples, redirection occurs when the base
directory is /~quux/. The third example accommodates any base directory and the
presence of query strings in the URL.