Citrix Systems 9.2 Network Router User Manual

Chapter 3 Configuring Advanced Expressions: Getting Started 55
Returns a number after a bitwise right shift of the number value by
the integer argument number of bits.
Note that the number of bits shifted is integer modulo 32. The
following example assumes that numeric.expression returns 12
(binary 1100):
The result of applying the RSHIFT operator is 1 (a binary 0001).
The following is another example of an expression that uses an
RSHIFT. Assume that the expression prior to the RSHIFT returns a
value of 8:
The result of this expression is 2.
A double greater-than (>>) performs the same function as RSHIFT,
but takes another expression as an argument rather than an integer.
Note that all returned values of less than 32 bits before applying the
operator implicitly have zeros to the left to make them 32 bits wide.
Operations on numbers of data type “double”
double.ADD(i) Returns a value of data type double after adding the argument i to the
value represented by double.
i - Value of type double
N(i, j)
Returns a Boolean value (TRUE or FALSE) that indicates whether
the value represented by double is greater than or equal to the lower
argument i and lesser than or equal to the upper argument j.
i - Lower value of type double
j - Upper value of type double
double.DIV(i) Returns a value of data type double after dividing the value
(represented by double) by the argument i.
i - Value of type double
double.EQ(i) Returns a Boolean value (TRUE or FALSE) that indicates whether
the value represented by double is equal to the argument i.
i - Value of type double
Arithmetic Operations for Compound Advanced Expressions
Operator Description