DIGITAL Server Cluster Kits for Windows NT Configuration Guide
• System Management Services for Windows NT
A dedicated Program Manager is your customer's single point of contact, and provides the following
− Coordinates vendor service agreements
− Routes troubleshooting calls
− Coordinates training, upgrades, and billing
− Plans ongoing, cost-effective service solutions
− Qualifies all vendors to stringent quality, skill, and performance standards
− Negotiates the most favorable service agreements
− Selects multiple service partners to assure availability
For more information on System Management Services for Windows NT, go to:
External Web Link: http://www.digital.com/info/services/mcs/mcs_srvsmsuppt.htm
• Software Support for Windows NT
Software Support Service provides full support for your customer's Windows NT operating system.
Round-the-clock telephone and electronic access to skilled software product specialists and
comprehensive software product databases help your customer's technical staff resolve software issues
and carry out unfamiliar procedures. In addition, your customers are licensed for new versions of
software to help them stay technologically current – including Year 2000 versions of software.
Software Node Service offers a cost-effective alternative for systems where direct telephone support
is not required. This service also provides the right to use new versions of operating system software.
When purchased in conjunction with Software Support Service, Software Node Service extends
electronic and telephone assistance to nodes in a cluster or network.
Layered Product Support provides the right to use new versions of layered software and extends to
your customers' layered products the level of support purchased for their Windows NT operating
system. Layered Product Support must be purchased as part of your customer's software support
For more information on Software Support for Windows NT, go to:
External Web Link: http://www.digital.com/info/services/mcs/mcs_support.htm
MSCS Certified Configurations
Microsoft requires that vendors run a self-certification test suite (Hardware Compatibility Test or HCT) to
certify specific hardware configurations in support of MSCS. A configuration consists of:
• Two server nodes (single processor and SMP configurations are considered different servers)
• Host-based SCSI or Fibre Channel adapters (attached to the external storage on a multi-initiated bus)
• External RAID array or host-based RAID adapters
For more information on MSCS certifications, go to: