1-16 MP1600 Microportable Projector
Writer: Marianne Silvetti Saved by: Marianne Silvetti Saved date: 11/09/99 4:53 PM
Part Number:383706-001 File name: BkCh1.doc
The MP1600 Presentation utility is provided on the CD-ROM in
the following languages: English, Dutch, French, German, Italian,
and Spanish. When the installation is executed, the appropriate
language is installed on the computer based on the computer’s
operating system language. If the computer’s operating system
language is not included as one of the six languages above, then,
by default, the English version will install on the computer.
Using the Compaq Projector Display Assistant
The Compaq Projector Display Assistant utility included on the
CD-ROM is an adjustment tool for improving the display quality
of the MP1600 projector. Adjustments need to be made when the
projector is first attached to a computer or when a different
display mode is selected for the first time. This utility can be run
directly from the CD-ROM or copied to a directory on the
computer hard drive and run from there.
To run the Projector Display Assistant for Microsoft Windows 95,
Windows 98, or Windows NT 4.0:
1. Insert the CD-ROM into the computer’s CD drive. The CD-
ROM menu will automatically launch on the screen.
2. From the launch menu, click on “Install Software
Compaq’s Projector Display Assistant” and follow the on-
screen instructions.