Compaq S5 Switch User Manual

Revision Record
The Revision Record provides a concise publication history of this guide. It lists the guide
revision levels and release dates, and summarizes the changes.
The following revision history lists all revisions of this publication and their effective
dates. The publication part number is included in the Revision Level column, with the
last entry denoting the latest revision. This publication supports the DWZZH 16-Bit
UltraSCSI Bus Hub.
Revision Level Date Summary of Changes
EK–SMDZS–UG. A01 July 1998 Original Release.
EK–SMDZS–UG.B01 October 1998 Change 1st sentence in section
3.3.3; move section 3.3.3 from
pg.3-6 to pg. 3-2.