Removal and Replacement Procedures
Maintenance and Service Guide 5–61
5.20 Fan/Heat Sink Assembly
When replacing the fan/heat sink assembly, be sure the power
button board is removed from the defective fan/heat sink
assembly and installed on the replacement fan/heat sink
assembly. Refer to Section 5.12, “Power Button Board,” for
power button board removal information.
1. Prepare the computer for disassembly (Section 5.3) and
remove the following components:
❏ Hard drive (Section 5.4)
❏ Memory module compartment cover (Section 5.6)
❏ Optical drive (Section 5.9)
❏ Switch cover (Section 5.10)
❏ Keyboard (Section 5.11)
❏ Display assembly (Section 5.13)
❏ Top cover (Section 5.14)
❏ System board (Section 5.19)
2. Turn the system board upside down with the expansion port 3
and external monitor port toward you.
Fan/Heat Sink Assembly Spare Part Number Information
Fan/heat sink assembly for use only with computer models
using AMD processors
Fan/heat sink assembly for use only with computer models
using Intel processors