Setup Parameter Values Description
INTERFACE TYPE parallel, serial,
financial, automatic
Selects the interface type. Selecting ‘automatic’ the
interface type is selected betw een serial and parallel by the
printer depending on data coming from host.
The 'financial' interface should be selected for typical
applications of the IBM4722 and IBM 9068 protocol w ith the
controlled link required by the IBM financial driver. When this
item is set, the parallel port is disabled.
HONOR CTS no, yes This setting is significant only if the ‘financial’ interface has
been selected.
Considers (
yes) or ignores (no) the CTS signal received from
host for the control of the data stream from host.
INPUT BUFFER 1 Kb, 8 Kb, 16 Kb, 32
Kb, 64 Kb
Selects the buffer size.
When the 'financial' interface is selected, this setting is ignored.
IGNORE PE enabled, disabled Selects w hether the printer signals the paper empty condition
disabled) or not (enabled) on the busy line.
AUTOFEED SIGNAL disabled, enabled The parallel interface uses (enabled) or does not use
disabled) the AUTOFEED signal.
SLCT-IN SIGNAL disabled, enabled The parallel interface uses (enabled) or does not use
disabled) the SELECT-IN signal.
Selection of the buffer protocol. When the 'financial' interface
is selected, this setting is ignored.