Crestron AV2 & PRO2 2-Series Integrated Dual Bus Control System
Menu Function Buttons
NOTE: If the unit does not have a loaded program with front panel screens defined,
the PANEL menu function does not appear on the Main Menu.
This menu function button displays a programmable interface offering command
text, indirect text and hierarchical screen structure. For details, refer to the help file
in the “Front Panel Editor” utility of SIMPL Windows.
This button displays the default Info Menu, shown after this paragraph. System
information including the loaded SIMPL program version (Rems), hardware specs
such as types of expansion cards installed in the card slots (HWare), the Cresnet
devices detected (Net), the Ops version (Ops) and the communication settings (Com)
is displayed.
NOTE: The information within each of the commands displayed in the Info Menu
may exceed the 40 characters permitted per line. If this occurs, use the two right-
most menu function buttons to scroll left and right. Refer to the two arrows shown
beneath the Info Menu illustrated after this note for location and identification.
Default Info Menu
This button displays a list (error log) of the most recent errors. Error messages may
be the result of hardware or software failure, hardware incompatibility with software
definitions or a programming error. The following table lists and defines the four
types of error messages that may appear:
Error Message Types
An event has occurred that is noteworthy, but will not affect program
An event has occurred that could affect program operation but the
program can still run normally.
An event has occurred that indicates that the program is not
operating as expected.
Fatal An event has occurred that will prevent the program from running.
The top line of the LCD screen provides a single error message from the error log. In
the sample shown below, the message indicates that the system expects a card to be
inserted into slot 1. The bottom line of the LCD screen provides commands. The user
can use NEXT or PREV to scroll through the entire error log. Some messages may
Operations Guide – DOC. 5957B 2-Series Integrated Dual Bus Control System: AV2 & PRO2 • 19