Appendix B
How to Install and Access USB Storage
Wireless-N Broadband Router with Storage Link
Appendix B: How to Install
and Access USB Storage
This appendix explains how to do the following:
connect and access a USB storage device •
map a shortcut to a USB storage device •
create a shared folder on a USB storage device •
(advanced users)
manage access to shared folders using group and user
accounts (advanced users)
Install the USB Storage Device
Make sure your computer has a wired or wireless 1.
connection to the Router.
Connect an external USB hard disk drive or USB flash 2.
disk to the USB port of the Router.
Access the USB Storage Device
Follow the instructions for your Windows operating
system, Vista or XP.
Windows Vista
On your desktop, double-click the 1. Computer icon.
Computer Icon
NOTE: If the Computer icon is not displayed,
then go to Start > All Programs > Accessories
> Windows Explorer.
In the 2. Address field, enter the server name of the
Enter Server Name of Router
The default server name of the Router is WRT160NL. You
can change this name on the Storage > Administration
screen; refer to Storage > Administration, page 20.
NOTE: Another option is to use the IP address
of the Router. In the Address field, enter the local
IP address of the Router:
The default is You can change this
IP address on the Setup > Basic Setup screen;
refer to Setup > Basic Setup, page 4.
On the login screen, enter your account user name and 3.
password. (For the admin account, admin is both the
default user name and password.)
Enter Account User Name and Password
User accounts are set up on the Storage > Administration
screen; for more information, refer to Create a User
Account, page 38.
Windows XP
On your desktop, double-click the 1. My Computer
My Computer Icon
NOTE: If the My Computer icon is not displayed,
then go to Start > All Programs > Accessories
> Windows Explorer.
In the 2. Address field, enter the server name of the
Enter Server Name of Router
The default server name of the Router is WRT160NL. You
can change this name on the Storage > Administration
screen; refer to Storage > Administration, page 20.