4 6609-2221
2.1 Declaration of Conformity
Westermo Teleindustri AB
Declaration of conformity
Org.nr/ Säte/
Postadress/Postal address Tel. Telefax Postgiro Bankgiro Corp. identity number Registered office
S-640 40 Stora Sundby 016 - 42 80 00 016 – 42 80 01 52 72 79-4 5671-5550 556361-2604 Eskilstuna
Sweden Int +46 16 42 80 00 Int +46 16 42 80 01
The Westermo Teleindustri AB company declares that the listed products conforms to the Council
Directive 89/336/EEC, related to Electro Magnetic Compability.
Type of equipment:
Industrial Ethernet adapter
ED-10LV 3609-0001
ED-10LV TCP 3609-0010
ED-10LV Custom 3609-0020
ED-20LV 3609-1001
EMC Immunity: EN 50082-1:1997
EN 50082-2:1995
EN 61000-6-2:1999
EMC Emission: EN 50081-1:1992
EN 50081-2:1993
Technical Manager
April 2002