Echo 2 Computer Accessories User Manual

Console Software
Console Software
We recommend using a maximum of 3 AudioFires on each FireWire bus. Multiple
FireWire connectors that are on the same FireWire card are all on the same
FireWire bus. Similarly, all the FireWire connectors that are directly on your
motherboard are on the same FireWire bus. By purchasing an additional FireWire
card, you can add an additional FireWire bus and connect additional AudioFires to
that bus.
Console and Channel Names
When you install your AudioFire, a 4-digit number will be appended giving it a
unique name. So if you install multiple AudioFires, each will have a unique
number. In the installation examples above, the AudioFire is designated
“AudioFire8 (0312).” In the Console examples, the AudioFire is designated
“AudioFire8 (0409).” (This is because two different audio interfaces were used.)
This name will appear in your “Sound” panel and your “Audio MIDI Setup” panel.
With multiple AudioFires, multiple console windows will open when you open the
console. Each console will be identified by the AudioFire’s unique name. If one
console window is closed, all windows will have to be closed and re-opened in
order to restore it.