ELK-M1XEP Installation Manual
Page 15
At the bottom of screen there are two drop down boxes. The "Area" box allows a choice of which area (partition) to
display and control. Areas are restricted by the programmed authority of the User Code that was used to gain
access to Virtual Keypad. By default, the first authorized area will be displayed. You may select any valid Area
from the drop down list and any valid Keypad. ANY keypad that is assigned to the selected Area AND that has a
programmed name will be displayed, even if the keypad does not physically exist. Hovering the cursor over the F-
keys causes their programmed identity (name) to be displayed. Clicking an F-key performs the function(s) pro-
grammed in the Keypad setup and/or the Whenever/And/Then rules engine.
6. The Welcome screen should appear next. This screen requires that a valid user code be entered in order to
access the Virtual Keypad application. Enter a valid User Code and click 'Connect' or press Enter.
7. The Virtual Keypad screen displays overall system status, and permits many of the operation capabilities that are
available from a physical Keypad.