System Management Interface Based on HPI-B (Centellis 4620) User’s Guide (6806800D85A)
Using HPI-B
4.1 Overview
This chapter provides information which is necessary when writing applications that are based
on the Emerson HPI-B distribution. It lists limitations with respect to the HPI-B specification and
describes extensions which were added by Emerson.
4.2 Limitations
This section describes those HPI-B features which the Emerson HPI-B implementation for the
Centellis 4620 environment does not support.
4.2.1 Limitations with Respect to HPI-B Base Specification
The following limitations apply with respect to the compatibility with the SAI-HPI-B.01.02
specification. Note that these limitations apply to the current and also to all future Emerson HPI-
B releases for Centellis 4620 platforms. There are no plans to implement these features in the
z Firmware Update Management Instrument (FUMI) functionality not supported
z Diagnostic Management Instrument (DIMI) functionality not supported
z Limited saHpiIdrAreaAdd() call
If the space is available, the function saHpiIdrAreaAdd() adds an OEM Inventory Area
including two pre-defined fields as multi-record with a maximum size of 255 Byte. The first
one is a read-only field containing the ManufacturerID (3 bytes). The second field (252
bytes) can be updated by the user. The Emerson HPI-B implementation of
saHpiIdrAreaAdd() does not support the creation of other types of Inventory Areas.
z Limited saHpiIdrAreaDelete() call
Emerson HPI-B does not allow deleting Inventory Area with saHpiIdrAreaDelete(), except
OEM Multi Records not specified by the PICMG ATCA and AMC specifications.
z Unsupported saHpiParamControl() call
Emerson HPI-B does not support saHpiParamControl().
z Unsupported resource event log
Emerson HPI-B does not support resource event logs.
z Unsupported Unicode character set
Emerson HPI-B does not support the Unicode character set.
z Unsupported annunciator functionality
Emerson HPI-B does not support annunciator functionality. Our platforms do not have
these features.