Emerson 4620 Network Router User Manual

Emerson Extensions Using HPI-B
System Management Interface Based on HPI-B (Centellis 4620) User’s Guide (6806800D85A)
After calling saHpiControlStateSet(), a new resource with the domain name you supplied as
parameter is created. Additionally, a hot swap event of type ACTIVE for the created resource is
sent. The newly created shelf is also added to the HPI multishelf configuration file as a new
entry. Removing Shelves and Domains
In order to dynamically remove a shelf/domain, you must invoke the HPI function
saHpiControlStateSet() and provide the following parameters.
If the domain/shelf specified in the call exists, the domain/shelf is removed, an HPI domain
removed event is generated and any sessions that may be open to this domain are closed.
Furthermore the domain shelf resource in the HPI domain is removed and a hot swap even of
type "NOT_PRESENT" is generated.
4.4 Emerson Extensions
The following describes features which are not specified in the HPI-B specifications, but were
added by Emerson.
All shelves must have different IP addresses.
Parameter Value
SessionId Handle to session context.
ResourceId Resource ID of the addressed resource.
CtrlNum Number of the control for which the state is
being set.
CtrlState Pointer to control state as described in Table
"Domain Management Control State" on page 29.
In this control state, fill the field body as follows:,
[0] : 2 (stands for "remove domain")
[1] - [4] : IP address of shelf you want to add (little
endian order)
[5] - [6] : port of shelf (little endian order)
[7] - [n] : Domain name