Enterasys Networks RBTSA-AB Network Card User Manual

Conventions Table 1 and Table 2 list conventions that are used throughout this guide.
Table 1 Notice Icons
Icon Notice Type Description
Information note Information that describes important features or
Caution Information that alerts you to potential loss of data or
potential damage to an application, system, or device.
Achtung: Verweist auf wichtige Informationen zum Schutz
gegen Beschadigungen.
Warning Information that alerts you to potential personal
Warnung Warnung vor samtlichen Handlungen, die zu Verletzung
von Personen oder Todesfallen - hervorgerufen durch
elektrische Spannung - fuhren konnen!
Table 2 Text Conventions
Convention Description
Screen displays This typeface represents information as it appears on the
Syntax The word “syntax” means that you must evaluate the syntax
provided and then supply the appropriate values for the
placeholders that appear in angle brackets. Example:
To change your password, use the following syntax:
system password <password>
In this example, you must supply a password for <password>.
The words “enter”
and “type”
When you see the word “enter” in this guide, you must type
something, and then press Return or Enter. Do not press
Return or Enter when an instruction simply says “type.”
Keyboard key names If you must press two or more keys simultaneously, the key
names are linked with a plus sign (+). Example:
Press Ctrl+Alt+Del