Extron electronic JMP 9600 Switch User Manual

5. Enter valid MSVPP commands (see “Command and Response Table for MSVPP
Commands“) in the Command eld and press the keyboard <Enter> key. The media
player responds accordingly.
TIPS: Previous commands are available using the drop-down list of the Command
field (click ).
If you enter a folder or file name with the wrong case, such as CLip-1 rather
than Clip-1, refresh the page (click
) after you correct the error to ensure
that the original, incorrect, command is not substituted.
Host-to-Player Instructions
NOTE: The format for the JMP 9600 Media Player is DIFFERENT than most other
Extron products. Read this section CAREFULLY.
Valid MSVPP commands consist of the following:
A command word — Commands words are defined in the Command and Response
Table for MSVPP Commands. Commands are not case sensitive. Variables, such as le
names, are case sensitive.
Zero, one, or more parameters (
s) — Parameters are defined in “Symbol
Definitions,” on the next page. Multiple parameters must be separated by a space
character (•). Parameters that include spaces must be enclosed in double quotes (“).
Terminator — A carriage return without a line feed (
) terminator is required to end a
command character sequence.
NOTE: If you are connected via either LAN port and are using the MSVPP page,
pressing the keyboard <Enter> key at the end of the command provides a
valid terminator.
When a command is valid, the unit executes the command and sends a response to the
host device. All responses from the unit to the host end with a carriage return and a line
feed (CR/LF =
), which signals the end of the response character string. When a command
involves both channels (
= 1,2), the unit responds separately for each channel.
JMP 9600 Media Player • Programming Guide 57