Getting Started Guide
Configuration Dialogs
The Configuration dialog that appears depends on the node (device, module, or
channel) you select in the TreeView panel.
You can also use copy and paste functionality to save configuration time. Channel
settings can be copied from one channel to another in the same device, or you can
copy a whole module or a group of channel settings from one device to another.
To copy a channel, highlight the channel you want to copy, then click the right
mouse button and select Copy. Next, highlight the module where you want to add
the channel, then click the right mouse button and select Paste. A new channel
with the same configuration will be added to the module.
You can also use the same method to change channel settings. Highlight a channel,
then click the right mouse button and select Copy. Next, highlight the channel you
want to change, click the right mouse button and select Paste to paste the
configuration information.
As you move from a Configuration dialog to a Communication
dialog, the device that was previously selected in the dialog is still
selected. For example, if device 01 is selected in the Configuration
dialog and you move to a Communication dialog, the device will only
be highlighted if it was selected the last time you were in the
Communication dialog. Dialog selections are remembered and are
Fluke DAQ uses the following Configuration dialogs:
Network Configuration Dialog
You can use the Network Configuration dialog to group the devices as in a
master/slave arrangement and to select the network type (General or Isolated). The
Network Configuration dialog appears when you click on the root node in the
Device Configuration Dialog
You can configure your 268XA devices using the Fluke DAQ Configuration
dialog. This dialog appears when you select a 268XA device in the TreeView. You
can use the Configuration dialogs to:
• Set up the device network settings (IP address and Port number)
• Verify the IP Address and the connection
• Upload and download the configuration from/to the device
• Save and load the configuration to and from the PC card (2686A only)