Getting Started
Understanding the User Interface
The Save command saves the actual 2686A configuration to the PC
Card. The Load command loads the configuration from the PC Card
to the 2686A.
• Set up the device general settings
• Specify which module will control the trigger out signal for master/slave
Module Configuration Dialog
A 268XA device can have up to 6 modules with specific configuration settings.
The Module Configuration dialog appears when you select a module in the
Analog Channel Configuration Dialog
Use the Analog Channel Configuration dialog to set function, range, and alarm
DIO Configuration Dialog
Use the DIO Configuration dialog to enter totalizer configuration information. To
set relays and I/O pins, see the DIO Communication dialog described later in this
Computed Channel Configuration Dialog
268XA devices can have up to 60 computed channels, with all computed channels
available for configuration in one view.
Computed channels provide a way to directly use measurement results in a
calculation. The calculation results can be used to set alarms or as part of other
calculations. A computed channel is inserted in a similar manner as a channel for a
FAI or PAI. Highlight the Computed Channel icon and click on the Insert button.
Detailed instructions for using the Configuration dialogs is provided later in this
Computed channel values are only updated when scanning is active.