Using Let’s Talk!
1. In Pronunciation Trainer, press / to select Let’s Talk! and then
2. In Let’s Talk!, press / to select a user name and then press
• See5.1 Creating User Names.
• For a new user to the exercise, see Changing the Settings at the end of
this section.
3. A word is shown and pronounced. You have to repeat the word
and record your own pronunciation.
• Inexercisemode,youcanpressREPLAY to listen the word again and
then press RECORD to start recording. You start to speak after you
hear a beep sound.
• Intestmode,youmustsaythewordimmediatelyafterhearingthe
pronunciation. You start to speak after you hear a beep sound.
4. A score chart of the current round shows. Press NEXT to continue
to the next round.
• Inthescorechart,thetopscorestandsforspeed,theleftonefor
uency and the right one for accuracy.
• PressCOMPARE to hear the recordings again.
5. When all the questions in an exercise are done, press SCORE
to show the score sheet and then select one of the following
• PressCONT to start a new exercise.
• PressRETRY to play again.
• PressEXIT to quit the exercise.
5.5 Pronunciation Trainer