Franklin BDS-7100 Electronic Accessory User Manual

8.6 Host Information
This menu shows the host ID, program version and data version.
1. In the Settings menu, press / to select Host Information and
then press
2. Press
to exit.
8.7 Default Settings
This menu lets you perform soft or hard reset of the device.
1. In the Settings menu, press / to select Default Settings and
then press
2. Press / to select between soft and hard resets.
3. Press OK to perform the reset.
• PressCANCEL to exit without reset.
• Softresetisoftenusefulinsolvingminorproblemsorerratical
performance, much like rebooting a PC.
• Hardresetwillreseteverythingto“factorydefaults”.Alluser’sdata
will be erased. Please backup your data before doing so.