Franklin BDS-7100 Electronic Accessory User Manual

Adding Schedules from the Schedule List
1. In the Calendar, press LIST.
2. Press NEW in the schedule list.
3. Input appropriate information in the available elds.
• Press / to shift between elds.
• Press when required to open a pop-up menu. This includes
selecting the type of event and the time of the event. Use the
direction keys to set the time or select your settings and then press
• Tochangetheinputlanguage,pressLANG.
• See3.12 Hints on Inputting Words.
4. When done, press SAVE.
• Toquitwithoutsaving,press
• Thenewscheduleissavedintheschedulelist.Press
to return
to the calendar. Days with schedules assigned are boxed on the
Viewing Schedules
1. In the Calendar, use the direction keys to select a boxed day and
then press
2. Press / to select a schedule (if more than one) from the
Schedule List and then press
• Alternatively,pressLIST in the Calendar to view a full list of
schedules. Repeat step 2 above for viewing.
6.1 Using the Calendar