Freecom Technologies Tough Drive Sport Computer Drive User Manual

Partitioning your Freecom ToughDrive Sport
6.3.3 Creating two or more partitions on the Freecom ToughDrive Sport un-
der Windows 2000 / XP / Vista
1. Repeat the steps from the previous chapter (Creating a partition on the Freecom
ToughDrive Sport under Windows 2000 / XP / Vista) for creating the first partition.
2. Click with the right mouse button on the "My Computer" icon on your desktop.
3. Select the option "Manage".
4. Select the option "Storage" -> "Disk Management".
5. Right-click on the unallocated space of your Freecom ToughDrive Sport and select
the option "New partition" (Windows 2000: "Create partition"). The "New Partition
Wizard" (Windows 2000: "Create Partition Wizard") opens. Click on "Next".
. Select "Extended partition" and click on "Next".
7. Now you can adjust the size of your partition. Enter the size and click on "Next".