Fujitsu J2X0-1634-01EN Computer Accessories User Manual

[Table: Processing for manipulating parts of character strings]
Example 1:
Company names and addresses are fetched from the company table. For each company name, a null
character at the end is removed, "Co., Ltd.," is concatenated, and then only the metropolis and district
names are fetched from the address.
Users can fetch a part of a specific character string and join a value to a character string in a specific
column. The TRIM function removes characters from the beginning of a value expression if LEADING
is specified in the TRIM function; it removes them from the end of a value expression if TRAILING is
specified; and it removes them from both ends of a value expression if BOTH is specified.
To concatenate character strings, join them to concatenate operator "||". To do this, the data type of the
column must be the character type. The data types of both terms to be concatenated must be the
character type, and they must be comparable. For details on the comparable data types, see Table:
Comparable Data Types.
In the character substring function, SUBSTRING is specified to obtain a substring of a specific
character string length beginning from the starting position in a value expression.