When the prepared statement corresponding to SQL statement identifier STM1 is as follows, the SQLDA structure
variable will have the following contents:
This section describes only the SQL statements used to manipulate a SQLDA structure containing dynamic parameter
specification information. For information about other SQL statements, see "7.2.1 Preparing SQL statements and
manipulating the SQLDA structure." Preparing and executing dynamic SELECT statements (for SQLDA stru
To fetch data continuously, prepare and execute a dynamic SELECT statement. "Figure: Example of an application
program that uses the SQLDA structure (with dynamic parameter specification)" shows an example of an application
program that uses the SQLDA structure to execute a dynamic SELECT statement with the dynamic parameter
This is an example of a dynamic SELECT statement entered from a terminal. Data is searched using
the value of the dynamic parameter specification entered from the terminal as the search condition,
and the value is displayed.