Single row SELECT statement
The single row SELECT statement is an SQL data manipulation statement used to reference data. The single row
SELECT statement can specify a search condition and fetch one row of data from a table.
Sort specification
When an SQL statement for manipulating data gets the results of a query expression using a cursor, it can rearrange
the order of the rows. A sort specification specifies the column that is the sort key and ascending (ASC) or descending
(DESC) order. A sort specification is specified in the ORDER BY clause of a cursor declaration.
SQL is a standard database language for performing database definition and data manipulation. RDB II basically
conforms to the protocols of the international standards IS 9075 and ANSI X3.135.
SQL embedded host program
In an application program that manipulates a database, the parts of the program that perform database processing are
written using SQL statements. The parts of the program that perform other kinds of processing are written using a
programming language such as C language or COBOL. Application program in which SQL statements are embedded
are called SQL embedded host programs. The following terms are used for application programs that contain
embedded SQL statements:
a. SQL embedded C program
b. SQL embedded COBOL program
SQL embedded host program is the generic term for a) and b).
SQL variable
A variable declared using a procedure routine.
Related term: Procedure routine
SQL variable name
The name of an SQL variable.
Related term: SQL variable
SQLDA structure
A user-defined descriptor area used to store dynamic parameter specification information and select list information
contained in a prepared statement. The user sets the values of the dynamic parameter specifications and fetches the
results of select lists via this area.
Status variable
The status variable, SQLSTATE, reports the processing result of an SQL statement to an application program. When