Escape character
An escape character is an alternate character for underscore (_) of an arbitrary character specifier or for percent
symbol (%)of an arbitrary string specifier. An escape character is specified in a LIKE predicate. A LIKE predicate is
used to specify a retrieval condition for data manipulation. However, to retrieve the actual underscore or percent
symbol, an alternate character, the escape character, must be defined as the arbitrary character specifier for these
Related term: arbitrary character specifier and arbitrary string specifier
Exception condition
When an SQL statement is executed in an application program, data to be processed may not be able to be found or
an error may occur. Such a condition is known as an exception condition or exception. If an exception condition
occurs while an application program is running, the status code corresponding to the exception condition is set in
EXISTS predicate
The EXISTS predicate specifies for an SQL statement the search condition that rows are manipulated depending on
the result (true or false) of the specified subquery. The EXISTS predicate is specified in the EXISTS subquery.
Related term: predicate
The functions that can be used in SQL statements are set functions.
Related term: set function
Grouped column
A grouped column is a column specified in the GROUP BY clause of a table expression for a query specification.
Related term: grouped table
Grouped table
A grouped table is a table derived when a GROUP BY clause is specified in a table expression for a query
specification. Rows containing the same grouped column value are grouped in a grouped table. Values that can be
fetched from a grouped table are grouped column values or the values resulting from a set function being used for a
Related term: grouped column
Host variable
A variable for passing data between an application program and a database in SQL statements that manipulate data.