1.4 Starting Up and Closing
■ CardMinder Viewer
The procedures for starting up and closing CardMinder Viewer are as follows.
Starting Up
Follow the procedure below.
1. Select the [Start] menu→[All Programs]→[CardMinder]→[CardMinder
⇒ CardMinder Viewer starts.
Follow the procedure below.
1. Right-click the CardMinder Viewer icon ( ) in the task bar, and select
[Exit] from the displayed menu.
⇒ CardMinder Viewer is closed.
You can also close CardMinder in the following ways.
• Click the [Close] button ( ) in the title bar.
• Double-click the [Application Button] ( ).
• When CardMinder Viewer is started, you can select a character string in another program,
and use it to search for card data by pressing the [Alt] + [F3] keys (shortcut key). CardMinder
Viewer can also be started in the following ways.
After the search is complete, CardMinder Viewer appears, and the card data matching the
selected character string is displayed.
• CardMinder Viewer can also be displayed in the following ways.
- Double-click the CardMinder Viewer icon ( ) in the taskbar.
- Select [Show CardMinder Viewer] from the menu displayed by right-clicking the Card
Minder Viewer icon ( ) in the taskbar.
• When CardMinder Viewer is closed, you cannot search card data from another application.
• You can also close CardMinder Viewer in the following ways.
- Click the [Close] button ( ) in the title bar.
- Double-click in the title bar.