2.3.3. Sorting Files
This section explains the procedure to create a new Cabinet and folder, and how to move
scanned files to the Cabinet and folder.
The idea is similar to arranging a big pile of documents (files) in the room ([My ScanSnap]
folder), purchasing a new shelf (Cabinet) and a new document tray (folder), and classifying
them according to subject to sort out the documents.
1. On the [File] menu, select [New] -> [Cabinet].
=> Under [My ScanSnap] folder in Folder View, [New Cabinet] is created.
2. Enter a name for the Cabinet.
Enter the name “Investigation Report” here.
In case you want to change the name once it is decided, select the name you want to
change and click it. Or, select the name and then select [Rename] on the [File] menu.
3. Select the Cabinet created in Step 1.
4. On the [File] menu, select [New] -> [Folder].
=> Under the Cabinet created in Step 1, [New Folder] is created.