Each time the key is pressed the appearance of the event marks changes as
below. Ten marks may be entered. When this amount is exceeded the oldest
event mark is automatically erased.
First press of the [EVENT] key
2nd press of the [EVENT] key
3rd press of the [EVENT] key
4th press of the [EVENT] key
This data is used to display latest
event mark data.
Past Event Mark
Latest Event Mark
2 1
3 2 1
Event marks
3.6.2 Entering an own ship position mark
Operate the trackball to place the trackball mark on the own ship mark and press
the [EVENT] key to inscribe an own ship position mark. 10 own ship position
marks (
) may be entered. When this amount is exceeded the oldest own ship
position mark is automatically erased.
3.6.3 Deleting an event mark
You may delete specific event mark as follows:
1. Operate the trackball to place the trackball mark on the event mark or own
ship position mark you want to delete. The color of the mark changes from
white to red if the trackball mark is correctly placed.
2. Press the [DELETE MARK] key to delete the mark.