04/07/05 SP - 2 E1319S01D-M
2.5 Range
Range (m)
Single Echo Sounder Combination
Range (m)
50 65 80 50 65
85 110 135 85 110
100 130 160 100 130
150 195 240 150 195
200 260 320 200 260
250 325 400 250 325
300 390 480 300 390
350 455 560 350 455
400 520 640 400 520
450 585 720 450 585
500 650 800 500 650
600 780 960 600 780
800 1040 1280 800 1040
1000 1300 1600 1000 1300
1200 1560 1920 1200 1560
1600 2080 2560 1600 2080
1) Ranges shown for off-center “on” are maximum value.
2) Under certain circumstances, a target (fish school) may not be
detected due to its nature or because of sea conditions, ever if
it is located within the display range.
2.6 Pulse-length 0.5 to 20 ms, interlocked with range (can be changed in 11 steps)
2.7 Pulse Repetition Rate (PRR)
0.25 to 4.4 s, interlocked with range (can be changed in 11 steps)
External synchronized transmission keying
2.8 Audio Search
Method By built-in loudspeaker
Sector 20°, 40°, 80° and 120° selectable
Output 2 W
Frequency 800 Hz (CSH-5L), 1 kHz (CSH-8L)
3.1 XDCR travel 600 or 400 mm, selectable
3.2 Raising/lowering Time 400 mm: 14 s, 600 mm: 20 s
3.3 Driving System Remote electric control
3.4 Allowable Ship’s Speed 18 knots max. (16 knots during raise/lower operation)