Firmware Update Procedure
To Begin the update procedure the unit’s Boot Loader must be activated. To
activate the Boot Loader follow the procedure below:
If the unit is already powered on, the following RS-232 command can be
used to activate the Boot Loader:
1. Connect RS-232 cable to PC and activate the Hyper Terminal program.
2. Type the command: #ACTIVEBOLO\r
3. Re-type the command: #ACTIVEBOLO\r
If the unit is not powered on, follow the instructions below to activate the
Boot Loader:
1. Connect RS-232 cable to PC and activate the Hyper Terminal program.
2. Make sure Hyperterminal is set to the following:
a. Baud rate = 19200
b. Stop bits = 1
c. Data bits = 8
d. Flow control = None
3. Press the following three buttons on the front panel of the Matrix
simultaneously, while powering-on the unit:
a. select
b. < (left cursor)
c. > (right cursor)
Once the Boot Loader is activated the following message should appear:
DVI8x8 Boot Loading
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