Hardware Installation Process
- 19 -
Line In
Line Out
Audio Connectors
After install onboard audio driver, you may
connect speaker to Line Out jack, microphone to
MIC In jack. Devices like CD-ROM, walkman
etc. can be connected to Line-In jack.
Please note:
You are able to use 2-/4-/6-/8-channel audio
feature by S/W selection.
If you want to enable 8-channel function you can
refer to page 29, and contact your nearest dealer
for optional SUR_CEN cable.
If you want the detail information for 2-/4-/6-/8-channel audio setup
installation, please refer to page 63.
This connector supports 2 standard COM ports
and 1 Parallel port. Devices like printer can be
connected to Parallel port; mouse and modem
etc. can be connected to Serial ports.
Parallel Port, Serial Ports (COMA / COMB)
Parallel Port (25 pin Female)
Serial Port (9 pin Male)