Using the Switch Console Interface
The Command Prompt
Using the Switch Console
Set and Show Commands
Most of the commands at the command prompt are useful for diagnostics
purposes, but the set commands can be used to configure some of the switch’s
basic features, and the show commands can be used to display switch and port
status and activity information. These commands can be run from UNIX
scripts so they can be executed on an automatic, timed basis.
To get help on the set and show commands, type help at the end of the
command line; for example show help to display help for the show command,
or set spantree hello help to display help on how to configure the Spanning Tree
Hello Time parameter.
Set Commands
Table 4-2. Set Commands Available at the Command Prompt
Command Description
set abc set abc <enable | disable>; Enables or disables the Automatic
Broadcast Control (ABC) feature. This feature is disabled by
default. For more information on ABC, see page 6-106.
set igmp set igmp <enable | disable>; Enables or disables the IP Group
Management Protocol (IGMP) feature for IP multicast traffic
control. This feature is disabled by default. For more information
on IGMP, see page 6-95.
set port set port <enable | disable> <port-number>; Enables or disables the
switch port specified by <port-number>. All the switch ports are
enabled by default.
set spantree set spantree <parameter>; Configures the Spanning Tree Protocol
(STP) parameters, where <parameter> can be:
• enable -- enables STP operation on the switch, using the default
values for the STP parameters (STP is disabled by default).
• disable -- disables STP operation.
• fwddelay <delay> -- sets the STP forward delay value (default =
15, range = 4 - 30 seconds).
• hello <interval> -- sets the STP hello time interval (default = 2,
range = 1 - 10).
• maxage <agingtime> -- sets the STP max aging interval (default =
20, range = 6 - 40).
• portcost <port-number> <cost> -- sets the STP port cost for the
specified switch port (default = dependent on port speed, range
= 1 - 65535).
• portpri <port-number> <priority> -- sets the STP port priority for the
specified port (default = 128, range = 0 - 255).
For more information on Spanning Tree, see page 6-39.