Configuring the Switch
SNMP Communities
Configuring the Switch
SNMP Communities
From the switch console only you can add, edit, or delete SNMP communi-
ties. Use this feature to restrict access to the switch by SNMP management
stations. You can configure up to five SNMP communities, each with either an
operator-level or a manager-level view, and either restricted or unrestricted
write access.
In the default configuration, no Manager addresses are configured, and all
management stations using the correct community name may access the
switch with the corresponding View and Access levels specified for those
communities. For any community name, if you want to restrict access to one
or more specific nodes, you can enter up to ten IP addresses of such nodes
into the Manager Address field. Entering one or more IP addresses in the
Manager Address field restricts access with that community to only those
For more on this topic, refer to chapter 5, “Using HP TopTools or Other SNMP
Tools To Monitor and Manage Your Network”, and to the online Help.
Configuring SNMP Communities from the Switch
Before you begin, ensure that the switch has been configured for IP.
Caution Deleting or changing the community named “public” prevents network man-
agement applications (such as auto-discovery, traffic monitoring, and thresh-
old setting) from operating in the switch. (Changing or deleting the “public”
name also generates an Event Log message.) If security for network manage-
ment is a concern, it is recommended that you change the write access for the
“public” community to “Restricted”.