HP (Hewlett-Packard) A3100-8 DC EI Switch User Manual

on the PATCH-FLAG. If there is a match, the system loads patches to or installs them on the memory
patch area.
The following table describes the default patch name for the switch series.
PATCH-FLAG Default patch name
PATCH-311 patch_311.bin
One-step patch installation
To install patches in one step, use the patch install command. After you execute the command, the system
displays the message "Do you want to continue running patches after reboot? [Y/N]:"
Entering y or Y: All of the specified patches are installed, and turn to the RUNNING state from IDLE.
This equals execution of the commands patch location, patch load, patch active, and patch run.
The patches remain RUNNING after system reboot.
Entering n or N: All of the specified patches are installed and turn to the ACTIVE state from IDLE. This
equals execution of the commands patch location, patch load and patch active. The patches turn to
the DEACTIVE state after system reboot.
Follow these steps to install the patches in one step:
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Enter system view system-view
Install the patches in one step patch install patch-location Required
The patch matches the switch type and software version.
To uninstall all patches in one operation, use the undo patch install command, which has the same
effect as Step-by-step patch uninstallation.
Step-by-step patch installation
Follow these steps to load a patch file:
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Enter system view system-view
Configure the patch file location patch location patch-location
flash: by default
Load the patch file on from the
storage medium to the specified
memory patch area
patch load slot slot-number Required