Illustrated Parts Catalog
Maintenance and Service Guide 4–15
Power cords
For use in:
Italy 350188-061
Japan 350188-291
The Netherlands 350188-331
People’s Republic of China 350188-AA1
Saudi Arabia 350188-171
Spain 3501880-071
Sweden/Finland 350188-B71
Screw Kit (includes the following screws; refer to
Appendix B, “Screw Listing,” for more information on
specifications and usage
■ Phillips PM2.5×13.0 spring-loaded
■ Phillips PM3.0×4.0 screw
■ Phillips PM2.5×7.0 screw
■ Phillips PM2.0×5.0 screw
■ Phillips PM2.0×4.0 screw
■ Phillips PM1.5×3.5 screw
■ Torx 8 M2.0×18.0 screw
■ Torx 8 M2.0×9.0 screw
■ Torx 8 M2.0×7.5 screw
■ Torx 8 M2.0×5.0 screw
Table 4-4
Miscellaneous Spare Part Information
Spare Part