2–2 Maintenance and Service Guide
1. Open Computer Setup by turning on or restarting the
computer, and then pressing
f10 while the “F10 = ROM
Based Setup” message is displayed in the lower-left corner of
the screen.
In Computer Setup, the following shortcuts are available:
❏ To change the language, press f2.
❏ To view navigation information, press f1.
❏ To close open dialog boxes and return to the main
Computer Setup screen
2. Select the Files, Security, Diagnostics, or System
Configuration menu.
3. To exit Computer Setup, choose one of the following
❏ To exit Computer Setup without saving your preferences,
use the arrow keys to select File > Ignore Changes and
Exit. Then follow the instructions on the screen.
❏ To save your preferences and exit Computer Setup, use
the arrow keys to select File > Save Changes and Exit.
Then follow the instructions on the screen.
Your preferences go into effect with the computer restarts.