y A user accessing the WLAN can choose WEP,
authentication or choose No encrytion to
Configuring the 802.11 Authentication
Open: Open system authentication.
WPA-PSK, or WPA2-PSK key to pass the
skip the authentication.
y Shared: Shared key authentication. It can use only WEP. The user accessing the WLAN
must use the WEP to authenticate.
Configuring the Encryption Mode
There are four encryption modes: No Encryption, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK, and WEP. For
details, refer to "Configuring the WLAN Encryption Mode."
Configuring Access Attributes of the Client
As shown in the following figure, you can set the Preamble Type, Max Associations
Limit, Mode, and enable or disable the peer MAC address through the Bridge Restriction.
y Preamble Type: It has two options: Long and Short. In the case that the client (PC)
supports the Short type, the WLAN can have a better performance if it is Short.
MAX Associations Limit: It refers to the maximum number of co
y nnections. It is used to
set the maximum number of concurrent WLAN users on the gateway. A maximum of 32
clients can connect with the gateway in wirele
y o rk in two modes, as
ss mode.
Mode: It refers t
shown in the foll
the WLAN accessing mode. The gateway can wo
wing table. The default value is Access Point.
Mode Description
Wireless Bridge It is used to connect two or more access points.
Access Point The access points meeting the IEEE 802.11b/g standard or the
wireless terminals can connect the wireless gateway.
Bridge Restriction: It refers to the limitation to the peer MAC addresses. When it is
Disabled, the E960 can access all the remote
n connect
eer bridges at the same time.
y Peer MAC Address: It refers to the physical address list of the remote peer bridges. It
ion and Down shows the failed
bridges; when it is Enabled, the E960 can
only access the remote bridges that the addresses are in the address list.
to the physical address of the re
y Bridges: It refers mote peer bridge. The gateway
supports the point-to-multipoint (PTM) bridge mode, and a wireless gateway ca
four remote p
contains a maximum of four physical addresse
y Link Status: Up shows the successful connect