Pub. 42004-693L2C
Model 69320-101 Voice Network Adapter Page: 13 of 15
\\s_eng\gtcproddocs\standard ioms - current release\42004 instr. manuals\42004-693l2c.doc
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is the 69320-101 VNA compatible with the public switched telephone network?
A: No.
Q: When does the 69320-101 VNA generate at T1 Yellow Alarm?
A: Never.
Q: When does the 69320-101 VNA generate a T1 Blue Alarm?
A: Never.
Q: What is the T1 Red Alarm?
A: The T1 Red Alarm is the Loss of Signal (LOS) or Receive Carrier Loss (RCL) condition.
Q: Why do the LEDs have two labels?
A: One label is the newer vernacular; the other is the older vernacular.
Q: Why does the front panel “Lamp Test” switch not function while the VNA detects the MCU is running
(the MCU FLT LED is off)?
A: That behavior is by design. That design choice helps prevent the diagnostic function of the front panel
LEDs from being defeated while the system is in use.
Q: What feature does setting all front panel DIP switches to closed enable?
A: Doing so enables all four relays on the VNA, lights all LEDs on the VNA, and routes a 2.0000 kHz tone
(assuming a different signal has not been loaded after power up) to all backplane audio lines and backplane
ST-Bus data lines. This feature is used to approximate the maximum power consumption and
electromagnetic emissions of the VNA. This feature interferes with normal system operations, and is
disabled while the VNA detects the MCU is running.
Q: Is the 69320-101 VNA capable of generating E1 timing instead of T1 timing.
A: No.