User’s guide 2-31
The same profile must be associated with the local Bluetooth COM port and the
remote one you want to connect to. Therefore, before you can establish a serial
Bluetooth COM port link to a remote device, you must associate the Serial Port
Profile with a Bluetooth COM port, and then add the Bluetooth COM port to your
computer. For link establishment to be possible, the remote device must also have
a Bluetooth COM port with the Serial Port associated with it.
For information on how you can add and remove Bluetooth COM ports and
change the settings concerning which profiles are associated with which Blue-
tooth COM ports, see “Bluetooth COM port settings”.
Bluetooth COM port settings
Before you can make use of a Bluetooth COM port link, you must associate one or
more appropriate profiles with a Bluetooth COM port and then add the COM port
to your Local Services bar (see “Bluetooth COM ports” on page 2-30). These set-
tings are made through the Bluetooth Configuration Tool.
To open the Bluetooth Configuration Tool, do the following:
1. Click Start, then click Settings, and then click Control Panel.
2. Double-click Bluetooth Configuration Tool.
The Bluetooth Configuration Tool opens.
Adding Bluetooth COM ports
To add a Bluetooth COM port, do the following:
1. In the Bluetooth Configuration Tool window, click Add. The following win-
dow opens.