BIOS Setup configuration
Afterwards, if necessary, you will be able to run an anti-virus program to locate and
remove the problem before any damage is done.
Quick Power-On Self Test
This setting causes the computer to run a shortened power-on self test (POST).
The shortened POST takes less time to complete, but does not test the computer as
thoroughly as the normal POST.
Boot Up Floppy Seek
This setting determines whether or not the computer will check for the presence of a
diskette drive at startup.
Boot Up NumLock Status
This setting determines the default state of the numeric keypad. By default, the
system boots up with NumLock on.
Activates automatically when the system boots up causing a warning mes-
sage to appear when anything attempts to access the boot sector or hard
disk partition table.
No warning message will appear when anything attempts to access the
boot sector or hard disk partition table.
Many disk diagnostic programs that attempt to access
the boot sector table can cause the above warning
message. If you are running such a program, you can
avoid the virus warning by disabling the virus protection
before you run the program. After running the program,
remember to re-enable virus protection.
Enabled Enable quick POST
Disabled Normal POST
On The numeric keypad provides numeric functions.
The numeric keypad provides arrow-key, Home, PgUp, PgDn, End, Insert,
and Delete functions.