Use the following commands in CLI mode:
– identify
Control the system-locator LED on the front of the server.
– power
Turn the server on and off remotely.
– sel
Perform operations with the System Event/Error log.
– sysinfo
Display general system information that is related to the server and the
baseboard management controller.
Serial over LAN
Use the Serial over LAN capability to remotely perform control and management
functions over a Serial over LAN (SOL) network. You can also use SOL to
remotely view and change the server BIOS settings.
At a command prompt, type telenet localhost 623 to access the SOL network.
Type help at the smbridge> prompt for more information.
Use the following commands in an SOL session:
– connect
Connect to the LAN. Type connect -ip ip_address -u username -p
– identify
Control the system-locator LED on the front of the server.
– power
Turn the server on and off remotely.
– reboot
Force the server to restart.
– sel get
Display the System Event/Error log.
– sol
Configure the SOL function.
– sysinfo
Display system information that is related to the server and the globally
unique identifier (GUID).
Using the SCSISelect Utility program
Use the SCSISelect Utility program to configure SCSI devices.
Starting the SCSISelect Utility program
Complete the following steps to start the SCSISelect Utility program:
1. Turn on the server.
2. When the prompt <<< Press <CTRL><A> for SCSISelect Utility! >>> appears,
press Ctrl+A. If you have set an administrator password, you are prompted to
type the password.
3. Use the arrow keys to select the channel for which you want to change settings,
and press Enter.
4. When the prompt Would you like to configure the SCSI controller, or run
the SCSI Disk Utilities? appears, make your selection and press Enter.
Chapter 2. Configuring the server 35