
Universal Serial Bus Series Microcontroller
Product Specification (V1.11) 04.20.2007
(This specification is subject to change without further notice)
8.2 Data Memory
The Data Memory has 144 bytes SRAM space. It has also an on-chip USB Application
FIFO space for USB Application. Figure 8-1 (next page) shows the organization of the
Data Memory Space.
8.2.1 Special Purpose Register
When the microcontroller executes instructions, specific registers are implemented to
ensure proper operation of essential functions such as Status Register which records
the calculation status, Port I/O Control Registers which control the I/O pins’ direction,
etc. Lots of other special purpose registers are provided for various functions.
Note that Special Control Registers can only be read or written to by two instructions:
IOR and IOW.
16x8 C om m on
R egister
Fig. 8-1 Data RAM Organization of EM78M611E